Thursday Jul 25, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#102(The one with the porn popsicle)
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
IT'S TIME TO STEP IT UP! Phase 2 is initiated in Episode#102(The one with the porn popsicle). Host James Danger and boy wonder sidekick, Miguel Lido Ramirez are joined by Eric "PETERSON!" Peterson-the host of The Ned Files podcast. This one is action packed, and includes: Shots! the LikeABitch campaign, "THE" challenge, porn popsicle, UFC, Batman/Superman, superhero casting debate, Pacific Rim, the Movie Robot game, the Arkansas Cholo(James' long lost southern cousin telephone call), BJ wake up, George Foreman, Limbo, Walking Dead, hating "LIKES", deformed kids, and the boys end the show with the great drunken acoustic jam session/sing along! You don't want to miss this one boys and boys! Stay Dangerous My Friends!
Thursday Jul 11, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#101(The one that needed 3 extra feet of ladder)
Thursday Jul 11, 2013
Thursday Jul 11, 2013
Episode#101(The one that needed 3 extra feet of ladder) is now infecting the interwebs! Host James Danger is joined by Ivan "The Nature Boy" Barthel to discuss: Ivan's recent 4th of July freak accident, the "Like a B" challenge, doctors, what does Dusted mean, stranger wiping, booby trap your pants, our junk, Rottweiler getting shot, a REAL Police Officer calls in to help with some insight, Nature Boy's last will and testament, camping, city girl, The S'more incident, return of CampNazi, Vin Diesel, The Drive-In Theater incident, fireworks, being gassy and so much more. So press play and enter the Dangerous audio world of nonsense.
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#100(Podcast of steel)
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
Episode#100(Podcast of Steel) THE 100th SUPER SHOW has finally arrived! It's been a long journey ladies, boys and ladyboys...but The Danger Hour cracks 100! James Danger and the boy wonder sidekick Miguel Lido Ramirez are joined by Richard "SuperDick" and Natalie "Mrs. Danger" for a good old fashioned NERDCORE nerdfest! In this Episode: Recorded on June 14th, The Danger crew all go watch MAN of STEEL together and then immediately enter Studio505 for an in depth Love/Hate conversation. Also, waiting in line, trip to Vegas or your kids birthday, redemption concert, Super Beard, Comic treasure, The most Dangerous Danger Hour secret story revealed, another Nerd Supreme game, dogs, soccer, heavy sleepers, captchas, and so much more! So strap in, strap on, grab a drink, press play and let the Danger penetrate your fat ear holes.
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#99(The one that takes the pig for coffee)
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
THE TIME HAS COME! Episode#99(The one that takes the pig for coffee) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger spews a bunch of nonsense, such as: Trader Joe's, musician from England Simon Black makes a visit, the Japanese neighbor is missing, a deadly surprise, if Danger were king, Danger gets popped, the take the pig for coffee plan, toilet paper, smart mouth cashier, catching a car singer, Michael and the Caines breakout hit played live and so much more! Just do yourself a favor and press play....pretty please
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#98(The one with A Violet Sun)
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
Thursday Jun 13, 2013
JIMINY JILLICKERS! Episode#98(The one with A Violet Sun) is now infecting the interwebs! Host James Danger and boy wonder sidekick Miguel Lido Ramirez are joined by Jay, Robin and Sid of the local rock band, A Violet Sun. This Episode features 2 live acoustic performances, as well as: How James met Jay, Flips, House of Blues, Purple Rain, heights, drowning, home schooling, Ryan Gosling, pooping your pants, morning wood, Chatroulette gone wrong!, James and Lido enter the game of "LIFE", pork roast, War Z, cops, delinquents, wet back camp nazi, and so much more. So grab a drink, remove your clothing and let the Danger penetrate your ear holes.
Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#97(The one that goes down the rabbit hole)
Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
Tuesday Jun 04, 2013
Climb inside girls, boys and ladyboys...Episode#97(The one that goes down the rabbit hole) is now infecting the interwebs. James Danger gets jacked on caffeine and booze, then sits and talks to himself once again...and has a great time. In this Episode: Backstreet Boys, Danger's new Hollywood job, the Dirty Irishman, why 1997 is important?, campfire rock, the whore who influenced, Danger's soapbox music rant, the Paul McCartney dilemma, camping, Memorial Day, why the LA Zoo sucks, chimps are stupid, Story Time, going down the rabbit hole, vault toilets, ambulances and so much more. So press play, throw caution to the wind and let the Danger deep inside of you!
Thursday May 16, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#96(The one with a large rack)
Thursday May 16, 2013
Thursday May 16, 2013
James Danger gets hopped up on caffeine for Episode#96(The one with a large rack) now infecting the interwebs! In this Episode: Intruder in Dangerland, the animal in the road scenario, superhero motorcycle chick, James examines the Maxim Hot 100 List, yet another thing has been "Superdicked" for James, Stranger Danger, hot dogs, death, psychos, mastectomy, kidnapping, Game of Thrones, slapping women, modern day man, Korean BBQ and so much more. So grab yourself some coffee, make it Irish and press PLAY!
Thursday May 09, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#95(The one that's lovely)
Thursday May 09, 2013
Thursday May 09, 2013
Hey Nerds....remove your headgear and get ready because Episode#95(The one that's lovely) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger is joined by Miguel Lido Ramirez for another hand holding trip down audio lane. In this Episode: The freak accident, long lost cousin, Black midgets, Deadliest Catch, where is Superdick and what has been done to him?, the boys break down Ironman 3, Stallone, Southern Hospitality, teachers that spank, hospitals, superheroes, being lovely and so much much more. Grab a drink, press play and let the Danger fill your world full of loveliness.
Thursday May 02, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#94(The one that cries like a baby)
Thursday May 02, 2013
Thursday May 02, 2013
WAH! Get ready, because Episode#94(The one that cries like a baby) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger has finally lost it while talking to himself. In this Episode: Redbreast, Moose Lodge, shower project, dirty Danger, Game of Thrones, to be King for a day!, midgets, moisturizers, who is packing?, Transsexuals, getting hit on by a dude, Les Misèrables, Redskins, UFC, feminine car accessories, Batman, why Amazon sucks, Beyonce and so much more! So put on a happy face Dangerheads, pour yourself a drink and press play.
Thursday Apr 25, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#93(The one with self-diagnosed A.D.D.)
Thursday Apr 25, 2013
Thursday Apr 25, 2013
GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! This is a good one people...Episode#93(The one with self-diagnosed A.D.D.) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger is joined by Ivan "The Nature Boy" Barthel for a wicked good time. This podcast covers: James has A.D.D., Ivan the Laker, natural selection, thinning the herd, the wildest "A-Hole Thought or Not" in Danger history, The Texas Explosion sex act, Strawberry Razzmatazz, boneless wings, the Arnold movie game, getting into fights, defending your honor, the universe is in your head, bad neighbors, bad comic books and so much more! So strap yourselves in Dangerheads, and give #93 a go!
Thursday Apr 18, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#92(The one that takes the middle road)
Thursday Apr 18, 2013
Thursday Apr 18, 2013
HOLY ACHILLES!!! Episode#92(The one that takes the middle road) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger gets on his soap box and shouts from the rooftops once again. In this Episode: Kobe, terrorists, security guards, conspiracy, washing dishes, reversed alcohol abuse, taking the middle road, coffee buzz, baby wipes, cashews, homeless, mass texters, owls, and so much more! So press play and get wrapped up in all the Dangerous excitement.
Thursday Apr 11, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#91(The one that's handicapable)
Thursday Apr 11, 2013
Thursday Apr 11, 2013
Episode#91(The one that's handicapable) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger is joined by his boy wonder sidekick, Miguel "Lido" Ramirez and Ivan "The Nature Boy" Barthel. The gang goes off on everything in this one: Dodgers, Vin Scully, The Price is Right, dude model guys, touching lizards, poop pickers, Lost Vegas club bathrooms, blow up dolls, bottle service, Batman, video games, Vadering, Chuck Norris, extreme cosplaying, wondercon, Godzilla sucks, bathroom reading, Star Wars contractors, Dexter, being handicapable, parking nazis, black bears and so much more! Pour yourself a drink, press play and follow the boys down the Dangerous downward spiral of audio nonsense!
Thursday Apr 04, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#90(The one with the portal to Hell)
Thursday Apr 04, 2013
Thursday Apr 04, 2013
Episode#90(The one with the portal to Hell) is now infecting the interwebs! James Danger will hold your sweet, delicate hand and guide you through a romantic podcastical journey that involves: Old man sabotage, the contest winner, the portal to Hell, Easter, meat sweats, to fat or not to fat, Lost Vegas, The Little Mermaid strikes again, Mad Greek racist White, why kids are ruining America, Valentine's, trophies, Cumkies, Batman, chick flick recommendation, starbucks, serial killer acquaintance, Stage 5 Dog people, and so much more! So press play and let the Danger penetrate your ear holes.
Thursday Mar 28, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#89
Thursday Mar 28, 2013
Thursday Mar 28, 2013
BOTTOMS UP! Episode#89(The one with a drunken Leprechaun) is now infecting the interwebs! Pour yourself a drink and join host James Danger as he covers: Defiler, douchy lines, drunks, Irish pubs, Leprechauns, why Chino Hills sucks, tasting games, alley condoms, robots, Stranger Danger, dead kids, the UFC is getting soft, roiding, new secret drug, faking death, busted lip, Tecmo Bowl and so much more. Press play and let the Danger penetrate your ear holes!
Thursday Mar 21, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#88
Thursday Mar 21, 2013
Thursday Mar 21, 2013
WARNING: DO NOT PRESS PLAY unless you are nerdy and like listening to drunk people talk about Sci-Fi, Superhero movies and scary scientific/technological breakthroughs! Episode#88(The one with the robot assassin) is now infecting the interwebs! This is a show that was recorded as a double header, so the boys are well oiled....maybe a little too well oiled. In this Episode: Pig hero, real life R2 unit, the assassin robot, death by Sci-Fi, prehistoric germ, Librarian insults, Dark Knight Returns part 2, JLA movie, TMNT problems, Ironman 3, hot cosplayers, the Twilight Saga, and so much much more! Press play, if you dare...and let the Danger infect you!
Thursday Mar 14, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#87
Thursday Mar 14, 2013
Thursday Mar 14, 2013
I hope you're feeling a little racy...because Episode#87(The one with the Rainbow Bus Club) is now infecting the interwebs! Host James Danger and his boy wonder sidekick Miguel Lido Ramirez embark on yet another Dangerous audio mission. In this Episode: Never Late than better, Honda vision, Lido's dog Vader: Hero or Zero?, Little League Baseball creep, Rainbow Bus Club, screwed blued and tattooed, unholy food, Buffet Catholics, say nope to the Pope, you play ball like a girl, a solitary man, the Dangerous Duo solve the case of the buried treasure, baby slap, jungle fever, yellow drivers, manayers and so much much more! So press play and let the Danger tickle your naughty bits.
Friday Mar 08, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#86
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Friday Mar 08, 2013
IT'S A PLETHORA OF SHOW!!! Episode#86(The one with Major Danger!) is now infecting the interwebs. Host James Danger and boy wonder sidekick Miguel Lido Ramirez are joined by the members of local band "The Major" Edgar-Eddie the Jet-Rodriguez, Forrest-The Badass-Gaddis and Felipe-Feo-Gonzalez. Danger+Major=Major Danger! In this Episode: Urinal ediquete, Little Mermaid sing-a-long, music, wild gigs, sharting, pooping your pants, Harvest Crusade, cholo friends, Cow-Punk, Juan Gabriel, Britney Spears Toxic, spiders, rapings, Forrest the real artist, the triumphant return of The Rapid Five!, 2 LIVE unplugged acoustic performances, farts, plethoras, Lido's F-Marry-Kill dilemma and so much, much more! So press play and let the Danger penetrate your ear holes!
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#85
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
Thursday Feb 28, 2013
OH NO HE DI-INT! Episode#85(The one with the horse-man baby) is now infecting the interwebs. Take a journey through the mind of a madman, as host James Danger crosses every line in this one. This Episode includes: cold stones, the Oscars, Tarentino, what's in a host, hand jobs and face lifts, messages and gerbils, K-Stew must die, J-Law is cool, living with 16 men, the 13th amendment, UFC girl fight, why it's important that girls stop fighting, Stranger Danger, car washes, cop scandal, Viagra, crazy Asian lady, why Black gets bad wrap, ninja parents, horse-man baby, bathrooms, bad service and so much, much more! So press play and set your Danger from stun to kill!
Thursday Feb 21, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#84
Thursday Feb 21, 2013
Thursday Feb 21, 2013
RUN!!! THE ZOMBIETARDS ARE COMING!!! Episode#84(The one with the rise of the Zombietards) is now infecting the interwebs! Join host James Danger for another sound journey. In this Episode: California rain tips, death flu, Chris Dorner, Stranger Danger, power gas, Zombietards, The Great Danger Coaster Giveaway top secret information, road tripping, the Denny's bathroom incident, Step Back in Time, the old west of today, saloons, graveyards, horseback travel, indecent exposure and so much, much more. So sit back, press play and let the Danger defile you.
Thursday Feb 14, 2013
The Danger Hour-Episode#83
Thursday Feb 14, 2013
Thursday Feb 14, 2013
I think everybody gets offended in this one boys and girls...Episode#83(The one that's Pho King Delicious) is now infecting the interwebs. Host James Danger and the boy wonder sidekick, Miguel Lido Ramirez are joined by Peter "Monkey" "WikiPetera" Contreras and Deny "Meatbox" Bendezu. In this Episode, the boys cover: Sugar-stoned kids, Super at Superior, Cantina Band, Deny:GayorNay?, Golf, Rocky, 50Cent vs Marines, Bastards, beer, clowns, singing in the car, Pho, why a coworker sucks, pizza hoarders and so much more. So put on a smiling face, do your happy dance and let the Danger penetrate your ear holes.